Most dog trainers in Perth concentrate on suppression, manners, calming your dog down, making him less dog than he wants to be. Our classes are different. We focus on giving your dog its best life. One of our head trainers, Ben Geurts recently enrolled on Ivan Balabanovs Training Without Conflict (TWC) course. Ivan has trained dogs for over forty years and has created the TWC system, which is based on play, genetic fulfillment and building a strong relationship with your dog. Behaviours are second.
We use this approach as our foundation. Behaviours are second. First meet your dogs needs and then teach your dog what you need from her. We incorporate Michael and Bart Bellon’s famous NePoPo ® system to create reliable behaviours that the dog will perform with its heart and soul even when he’d rather not.
We teach you how to play with your dog. How to provide your dog genetic fulfilment. How to become the answer rather than the fun police. We then teach you how to create the behaviours most want. Sit, Down, Come, and loose leash walking.
Continue reading to learn more about our group dog training classes. To view the timetable for classes click here.
"Little Warriors" Puppy Training Class
“Little Warriors” Puppy class. (10 to 16 weeks). A puppy class with a difference. The focus is making your puppy brave. We explain to you the do’s and don’ts of puppy raising. We teach you how to raise a balanced dog. We show you how to play. We teach the importance of establishing rules while maintaining a loving relationship.
Learn more about our puppy classes.

Functional Obedience Class (FOB)
Functional Obedience (FOB). In this weekly group obedience class we help teams build a strong relationship based on trust built through play and social grooming. We teach you how to play the short game (tug of war) and the long game (fetch) properly. We help you establish rules and to understand when you need to let a dog be a dog.
We also focus on the big three behaviours. Emergency recall. Emergency Down. Loose leash walking. However how your dog feels about the training and you, is our first priority.
Enquire for prices

Schutzhund (IGP)
The crowds favourite! Schutzhund is a sport that started as a breed survey for the German Shepherd. Until recently the sport wasn’t available in Perth. Ben Geurts is a qualified teacher helper and has been involved with the sport since 2004. He has been running these classes in Perth since 2015. He is assisted by several of our trainers and helpers.
This sport is not easy. In fact, its downright difficult. For dogs and handlers. Its complex, intricate, sophisticated, but also a hell of a lot of fun. You can train seriously to compete, or just for fun. The choice Is yours; we have teams that do both.
Price: $605 for the term (includes 10 x class)

Nose works
This is a great sport for those dogs that love sniffing. That’s right, all dogs love sniffing. This is suitable for all breeds. This is also a good option for people with reactivity or dog aggression issues as it is conducted one at a time. In this sport your dog will be taught to locate and indicate the presence of a specific odour through a passive response. Dogs love it and so do handlers.
Come and learn how the experts do it! You’ll need to work together, and you’ll need to trust your dog. You’ll discover just how good these guys are at searching with their noise.
Price: $495 for the term (includes 10 x class)